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Program Review Board (PRB) Minutes Oct. 21, 2003 Attendees: *David R. Oliver Chair/ Director, Office of Management & Budget *Chris Milligan USAID *Nick Harvey Representative of the UK Government *COL Michael Kirsch Director of Operations Chief of Staff COL Paul Hough CPA Comptroller *COL Michael Toner Coalition Joint Task Force-7 Comptroller *William Block Director, Economic Development *Walt Slocombe Director, Office of Security Affairs *LTC Andy Hughes CPA General Counsel James Carrera Pentagon - CPA Management Liaison Cell Al Runnels CPA CFO LTC Terry Ross Coalition Joint Task Force-7 Deputy Comptroller MAJ Lawrence Howard CPA Baghdad Don Fitchian PMO Comptroller Jacob Nell Ministry of Finance James Cleveland CPA Executive Secretary Office *Voting Members The October 18, 2003 minutes were approved. The Board asked Dave Oliver if he was able to tell the Board what portion of the 2003 Budget that has not been spent or obligated. He stated that he would report back to the Board in a couple of weeks with an answer. The following Funding Requests were considered by the Board for recommendation to the Administrator: #526 FY 03 Supplemental: Suleymaniyah - $21,300,000 Funds were approved for the Suleymaniyah Regional Administration. The original budget was under estimated. #527 FY 03 Supplemental: Amendment to the Ministry of Agriculture Budget - $5,900,000 Funds were approved for the Ministry of Agriculture to purchase additional forklifts to handle an increase of Oil for Food imports processed in the south. With this additional capacity, the Agriculture Ministry will collect an additional $30M of revenues. #521 Ð Government of Iraq Complex Security - $420,050 Funds were approved to upgrade the security of the Government of Iraq Complex. The upgrades are required to mitigate or reduce the threat from a terrorist attack. #276 Bayji Water Treatment Facility - $471,682 Authority was granted out of the region's Construction Initiative funds to repair and/or replace pumps at the provisional government owned water treatment facility in Northeast Bayji. The facility will serve appropriately 120,000, located in Bayji, Hajaj, Seneia (K-2Airfield) and other smaller surrounding towns #507 - Tuz Water Treatment Facility Repair - $732,650 Authority was granted for use of the region's Construction Initiative funding to repair and replace equipment and provide new supplies to properly maintain the facility. The facility will serve appropriately 140,000. #528 Board of Supreme Audit South - $125,000 Funds were approved to reestablish a Supreme Board of Audit office in the south. #529 FY 03 Supplemental: Ministry of Public Works - $10,495 Funds were approved to reimburse the Ministry of Public Works for travel expenses of the Minister for the trip taken to Washington D.C. per the request of Ambassador Bremer. #531 FY 03 Supplemental: Split of the Ministry of Transport and Communications - $100,000 Funds were approved to cover the costs of the separation of the Ministry of Transport and Communications into two separate ministries. #537 - Iraqi Currency Exchange - $9,000,000 Funds were approved to cover the additional transportation and support costs caused by the increase in volume of currency being issued and turned in.
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