Letter from Louis Touton
to Chairman Donald Telage of the COPA Commission
8 June 2000
June 8, 2000
Mr. Donald Telage
Child Online Protection Act Commission
c/o Kristin Litterst
Dittus Communications
1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, Suite 311
Washington, D.C. 20007
Dear Chairman Telage:
I appreciate the Commission's invitation
to provide information concerning the process for introduction
of new top-level domains (TLDs) to the domain name system (DNS)
of the Internet. Unfortunately, preparation for the upcoming
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) meeting
in Yokohama prevents me from attending these hearings in person.
I hope this letter will meet the Commission's needs.
ICANN does not express a position on the
advisability of adding a new TLD specifically for adult material.
Rather, in this letter it seeks to describe the ongoing process
of consideration of the addition of new TLDs generally.
ICANN is the non-profit corporation that
was formed in 1998 by the Internet community at the invitation
of the U.S. Government's White Paper. ICANN and the U.S. Department
of Commerce are engaged in a joint project under which the U.S.
Government is, as described in the White Paper, transitioning
responsibility for the IP address space allocation, protocol
parameter assignment, domain name system management, and root
server system management functions to the private sector.
In keeping with the history of the management
of the Internet, ICANN uses a bottom-up, consensus-based decision-making
process. ICANN is advised by three supporting organizations-the
Address Support Organization, the Domain Name Support Organization,
and the Protocol Support Organization-comprised of experts and
interested participants who examine in-depth the issues facing
ICANN and make recommendations to the ICANN Board. ICANN and
its Supporting Organizations operate to the greatest extent feasible
in open and transparent manner.
For several years, there have been proposals
to implement additional TLDs in the DNS. Different types of
TLDs have been discussed, ranging from TLDs available for registrations
by any person or organization for any use ("unrestricted
TLDs") to TLDs intended for registration by particular types
of persons or organizations or for particular uses ("restricted
In accordance with the bottom-up principle
of the White Paper, in May 1999 the ICANN Board referred the
issue of TLD expansion to its Domain Name Support Organization
(DNSO). On June 25, 1999 the DNSO Names Council created a group,
known as Working Group C, to study the issues raised by the introduction
of new TLDs. Working Group C deliberated for approximately nine
months and in March and April of this year submitted reports
to the Names Council. On April 18, 2000, the Names Council
adopted a set of recommendations to the ICANN Board.
Those recommendations, which are currently
before the ICANN Board, call for the addition of a limited number
of new top-level domains (TLDs). The Board is expected to act
on these recommendations at its meeting in Yokohama, Japan on
July 16, 2000.
Consistent with the recommendations of
Working Group C, the Names Council stressed that the introduction
of new TLDs should occur in a "measured and responsible
manner," as part of an initial test bed designed to enable
effective evaluation of the process. The Names Council expressed
concern that a proposal to introduce initially as many as ten
new TLDs did not enjoy consensus in the Internet community.
The proposed limitation on the number of new TLDs to be initially
introduced reflects concern about potential dangers to the stability
of the Internet if many TLDs are added too quickly. Additionally,
because no new generic TLD has been added for many years (since
before the emergence of widespread commercial uses of the Internet),
lack of experience in the practical implications of adding of
new TLDs counsels caution.
Many groups, companies, and organizations
have expressed needs and desires for new TLDs, ranging from open
TLDs to promote competition with .com, to specialized non-commercial
domains to promote advocacy and free-speech values, to a personal
domain in which individuals may register their proper names.
If the Board proceeds with the addition of new TLDs at its meeting
on July 16, it is likely to call for proposals from organizations
that wish to sponsor new TLDs and companies that wish to operate
TLD registries. ICANN would then evaluate the proposals and
select a small number of TLDs from among them according to policies
adopted in the Internet community through the ICANN process.
The Names Council's recommendations contemplate that, after
introduction of this initial round of new TLDs, there will be
a review of the experience gained to determine whether additional
TLDs should be introduced.
Please let me know if you would like me
to provide additional information on the process for introduction
of new TLDs.
Louis Touton
Vice President
Page Updated 10-June-00.
(c) 2000 The Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers All rights reserved.