Federation of American Hospitals Supports Health Care that Works for All Americans
C. Chic Smith
Citizens’ Health Care Working Group
(301) 443-1592
(202) 689-4885 (cell)
E-MAIL: csmith@ahrq.gov
Web site: www.citizenshealthcare.gov
October 25, 2005 – Washington, DC – The Citizens’ Health Care Working Group is honored to have the support of the Federation of American Hospitals to inform and engage all Americans in a dialogue about health care. “This effort is a significant step forward in the nation's effort to improve the health care system in the U.S.," stated Charles N. Kahn III, President. "This initiative provides a well-structured process for airing the health care views and concerns of the American people."
The Citizens' Health Care Working Group is a nonpartisan group authorized by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, charged with developing recommendations for the President and Congress to provide U.S. citizens with "health care that works for all Americans." The Health Report to the American People will serve as a base to engage the American people in a dialogue on health care access, cost and quality issues. The Working Group consists of 14 citizens of diverse backgrounds from across the country, in addition to Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael O. Leavitt. To view The Health Report to the American People or get more information on the Citizens' Health Care Working Group, visit www.citizenshealthcare.gov.
Editor’s note: The Citizens’ Health Care Working Group is an independent body whose members were selected by the Comptroller General of the United States. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality provides administrative support as directed by the Medicare Modernization Act.