Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 11:19 AM
Cc: ;
Subject: Screen names Please advise under which privacy policy
protocols you:
- 1. Collect and store the actual names of all persons on the sending and
RECEIVING lists on e-mails.
2. Publish on the www the actual AND screen names of all recipients of Yahoo
3. Notify users of Yahoo e-mail that their screens names and actual names and
the screen and actual names of all of their recipients will be published on
the www.
4. Notify recipients that their actual and screen names are published on the
www when Yahoo mail is addressed to them by Yahoo e-mail users.
5. Provide a way for Yahoo e-mail users and, more importantly, NON Yahoo
members, e-mail recipients to block the use of actual and screen name
information being published on the www by Yahoo.
Thank You. I look forward to your response. |