From: Elizabeth Knudsen [] Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 11:18 AM To: Subject: Advisory Committee on Online Access and Security - Comment, P004807 A Workable Approach to Privacy on the Internet. We have developed a framework for exchanging information on the Internet that puts the consumer in control of their information, while allowing businesses to communicate with their customers. It is open source, so anyone can use it, and it is fairly simple to implement. The format creates a basic universal level of privacy protection while allowing for flexibility in information collection across websites in an opt-in environment. As this is a new approach to privacy that moves the discussion from identifying the problems to developing a viable solution, we are looking for feedback on our ideas. We recently sent out a press release, and have been talking to people from both the industry and associations. As a result we have developed these brief outlines [outline 1] [outline 2] summarizing our proposed approach. We want to put this proposal into the discussion as it could move this issue towards a solution everyone can live with. In addition, we are launching as a forum to discuss how to best take advantage of this technological approach to the privacy problem. An approach that addresses most elements of fair information practices. Please feel free to contact me for more information. Sincerely, Elizabeth Knudsen Elizabeth Knudsen |