New One-Stop Site for Export Assistance
The Small Business
Administration (SBA) has a new one-stop online site for export assistance
called TradeNet Export
Launched by Vice President Al Gore
and SBA Administrator Aida Alvarez, this new interagency site provides
access to international trade information and services needed to
succeed in today's increasingly global economy. Find the help you
need, information on upcoming trade missions and conferences and
much more.
The future has never looked brighter
for women entrepreneurs than it does right now, not just in the
U.S. -- where women already own nearly 40 percent of the businesses
-- but around the world. A surprising number of businesses everywhere
are owned by women -- between a quarter and a third of the businesses
worldwide -- and it is likely far more if you count "informal" trade.
And, as the Internet and other technologies
draw us closer together as a global community, women are building
networks that reach to every corner of the globe, learning from
one another, supporting one another, and trading with one another.
Experts around the world acknowledge the vital role women's business
plays in the economies of individual communities, of nations, and
of the world. SBA is doing much to help women start and grow the
businesses on which our worldwide economy depends.
Online Women's Business Center
also plays a key role in building a global business network. Almost
since its launch two years ago, it has been used regularly by women
from virtually every country in the world. Today, the Center offers
the Online WBC in English, Spanish and Russian. Soon, information
will also be up in Japanese.
For More Information
For information
on SBA programs and services, visit the Online
Women's Business Center or the SBA
web site, or call your SBA district office (under U.S. Government
in the phone book or at 800-U-ASK-SBA).
Editor’s Note
We excerpted
this story from an electronic newsletter published in January 2000
by the Office of Women’s Business Ownership at the U. S. Small
Business Administration. "As always, you are welcome to use or quote
the information in this newsletter -- and share it with anyone you
feel would be interested," said Sherrye Henry, Assistant Administrator
for Women's Business Ownership. "We'd love to get your feedback
-- or news you might have to share. Let us hear from you by e-mail
or by fax at 202-205-7287."
January 2000