Transition Directory
20, 2001 ushers in a new Presidential
Administration. This helpful transition directory has everything
-- agency mission statements, organization charts, and strategic
plans, employment information, travel rules, legal and ethical standards.
Most everyone knows IRS and VA, but what about AARCC, ABMC, and
ACF? Thankfully for new comers and old hands alike, it has a full
list of government acronyms and abbreviations.
Has Procurement
Tools To Save Agencies Money
first auction under the General Services Administration's
program saved its government customer -- the Defense Finance and
Accounting Agency -- $2 million. This site has tools to help agencies
buy what they need at the best price -- private reverse auctions,
volume purchasing (called eFAST), and Quick Quotes. If you buy for
the government, or sell to the government, take a look.
Schedules Online 24/7
your business or agency is looking for an online library of GSA
schedules, then your search has ended. The General Services Administration
makes the latest contract award information and its schedules available
in the new, centralized Schedules E-Library. It's updated daily
and available 24 hours a day. Use the search engine to search by
keyword, schedule number, special item number, contractor name and
contract number. After looking, authorized government buyers can
place their orders on GSA
Program Shares the Cost of
Personal Cell Phones for Government Use
is not government business as usual. The Federal Aviation Administration
Logistics Center in Oklahoma City is giving a choice to employees
who use mobile communications. Use a government-owned phone/pager
or use your privately-owned phone and get reimbursed at a flat payment
rate, much like the reimbursement for using your car for government
business. It saves money and workers like it.
Shares Its Virtual Learning Center with Other Agencies
Department of Veterans Affairs has produced an online database with
shared innovations, best practices, and lessons learned from 173
VA medical centers and 600 clinics. Now your agency employees can
learn from it and add their own good ideas.