Ben's Guide to U.S.
Government for Kids 
Here's an exciting
new Web site for students, parents, and teachers. This powerful
resource, Ben's Guide to U.S.
Government for Kids provides a fun and educational introduction
to how the U.S. Government works.
The U.S. Government
Printing Office (GPO) developed the new site.
With Benjamin
Franklin as a guide, the kids' pages cover topics such as the U.S.
Constitution, how laws are made, the branches of the Federal government,
and what it means to be a U.S. citizen. Ben's Guide also includes
games and links to other U.S. Government Web sites created for kids.
A prototype of Ben's Guide was critiqued at the American Association
of School Librarians conference in November 1999, where it received
excellent reviews.
A service
of the Superintendent of Documents, Ben's Guide offers sets of resources
tailored to four specific age groups, plus a special set for parent
and educators. It also offers instruction on the use of the primary
source materials on GPO Access, a free web service of GPO that provides
electronic access to a wealth of important information products
produced by the U.S. Federal Government.
Benjamin Franklin
was chosen as the "tour guide" through this site since he was, among
many other things, the first public librarian in America and the
first official printer of the colonies. His accomplishments earned
him the honorary title of "first public printer" of the United States.
As the current
Public Printer, Michael F. DiMario said "Studies have shown that
students in this nation do not have an adequate knowledge of how
their government works or a basic understanding of civics. Through
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids, GPO is doing its part in
educating our nation's young people about their government."
Any comments
about or suggestions for Ben's Guide can be sent to
This important feedback will be used to assist in the ongoing development
and improvement of this site.