New Website
for the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

DC - Looking for federal grants or loans for flood control, food
and nutrition programs, education and training, or small business
development? How about help for community development programs,
childcare, or mental health research?
The U.S. General Services Administration's Office of Governmentwide
Policy has made it easier to access the most recent and accurate
information on Federal assistance programs with its new world wide
web version of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
The website contains information from the 1999 Update to the
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance published in December
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance website also features
a guide to writing grant proposals, a list of Federal agencies providing
assistance programs with links to agency web sites, and an introduction
to the Catalog and types of assistance available from the Federal
The Catalog's database contains information submitted by 57 Federal
departments and agencies on over 1,400 Federal programs. These programs
include grants, loans, loan guarantees, scholarships, mortgage loans,
insurance, and other forms of assistance, both financial and non-financial.
For additional information about the new website, contact Bill Erwin
at (202) 40l-8944.
Monday February
7, 2000
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