Posted: Oct 19, 2005 By: Travis Kessler

Subject: Seems to me, that K Street has already hit the panel

Comment: The tax reform panel; Has no reform? Why is it; in politics, the idea that makes the most sense to everyone- is never chosen. The fair tax should be looked at; the pros and cons of the idea should be set out by the tax reform panel. At that point, they should bring in the orginazation that developed the idea, and have them rebut the pros and the cons that the tax panel has set forth. Basically, to help the tax reform committee understand HR25.(This only seems right, when this organization has spent way more time, and money developing/studying the idea- unlike the tax reform panel- just a few months?!?)

After that; The tax reform panel should also look at the pros and cons of the current income tax system. Which- the cons are neverending- we do this only to be fair to both systems!

After that; The tax reform committe should compare the two programs. But; We know that the idea that looks to be the best; Will never be chosen. Unless we vote in fairtax politicians!

They have my vote!