Posted: Jul 11, 2005 By: MSgt. Stephen Szewczyk (USMC-Ret.)

Subject: Support FairTax

Comment: Since 1913, working Americans have carried the burden of an oppressive and counterproductive tax system that punishes work, savings, and investment.

We need a system of taxation that:
1. Taxes the consumption of the millions of illegal aliens living in this country.
2. Taxes the consumption of the millions of visitors that come to our shores every year.
3. Taxes the consumption of those Americans who are not subject to taxation (yet).
4. Taxes the consumption of those Americans who otherwise do not pay or refuse to pay taxes for various reasons.

The time has come to repeal the 16th Amendment.
The time has come to repeal the Federal Reserve Act.
The time has come to end the abuses of a tyrannical IRS

The time has come for a system of taxation which is fair to ALL people.

The time has come for the FairTax.