Posted: Aug 07, 2005 By: James E. Wren

Subject: FairTax Bills (S.25 & H.R.25) support

Comment: A Petition to Support the FairTax Bill to Repeal the Current U.S. Tax Code and Replace it with the FairTax

Whereas, the current U.S. tax code is widely regarded as unfair, complex, wasteful, confusing, and costly;

Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service is acknowledged to be deeply flawed, mismanaged and has victimized many innocent taxpayers;

Whereas, the American people deserve a tax system that:

Enables workers to keep their entire paycheck and retirees to keep their entire pension;
Closes all loopholes;
Frees individuals from ever filing a tax return again;
Abolishes the IRS and ends all audits of individual taxpayers;
Eliminates all hidden federal taxes;
Brings accountability to tax policy;
Lets American-made products compete fairly; and
Allows every family to buy the basic necessities tax-free.

Therefore, I the undersigned do hereby fully support and encourage every member of Congress, especially my own, to support and co-sponsor The FairTax bill which would effectively abolish the IRS and repeal the current tax code; and replace it with the FairTax, a simple, federal consumption sales tax which would be administered equally to all eligible Americans.

Thank you for your support.
James E. Wren