Posted: Apr 07, 2005 By: Gary Dunn

Comment: Horonable Sirs:

I understand that the President is interested in our (the citizens')
comments on tax reform. Of all the

proposals made I feel that the HR 25 Consumer Tax bill will be of most
benefit to all Americans.

Those of us who struggle with the gobbledy gook on pages of forms trying to
figure out how much

we really owe, will greatly appreciate the relief.

We want all to pay their fair share. With this program even the criminals
will pay their part. The

wealthy consumer having the most money to spend will pay according to their
consumption and the poor

will pay as he spends. Whether a person buys a Gulf Stream corporate jet or
a hot dog he/she will be taxed


Hundreds of thousands if not millions of tourists who annually visit our
Country will be contributing to the

cause, and the unknown amount of those illegals that are here will render
their fair share. The stress and

expense of April 15th will be a thing of the past. More money will be in the
National Coffers (the math has

already been done) and our economy will be much stronger. The government's
expense of investigating

and collecting taxes will be over along with corporations having to spend
millions on lobbying for loop-holes.

It is a win win matter.

Thanks for the opportunity
to share my opinion.

Gary R. Dunn
P.O. Box 1135
Woodbine, GA 314569