Posted: May 22, 2005 By: Garay Goecke

Subject: A New Tax

Comment: Dear Sirs:

Mass confusion surrounds our tax code.
What we need is a fair, simple tax system that any American can understand at a glance. We need a system that won't hide the tax burden in the cost of goods and services. A system that will allow working people to take home their entire paychecks, with no deductions. We need a tax system that will eliminate post-April 15th anxiety over whether or not we will be one of the unlucky 34 million people who are assessed a civil penalty by the IRS each and every year or that receives the dreaded audit notices.
Thers is one plan that can do all that, the Fair Tax, the perfect vision of a federal consumption tax.
The American people deserve a better tax system, The Fair Tax.

Thank you,

Garay Goecke