Posted: Oct 14, 2005 By: Dorothy Radosta

Subject: Mortgage Interest Deductions

Comment: I am extremely upset with even the thought of eliminating this deduction for homeowners. I am tired of our politicians only looking to us, the taxpayers as the ones who should take cuts. How about looking at the budget passed and taking out all the "extras" that are put in there. It is sickening that this deduction would even be a consideration. I feel that most of those who should "represent" us, are totally out of touch with reality. Maybe it is time we start paying a little more attention to what is being done in Washington and start voicing our opinions more. I used to trust our government - now all they want to do is put "us" in the red like they are. This deduction is the "only" deduction we have left - you already took everything else. We are left paying off the debt that will take generations - leave us something.