Posted: Apr 28, 2005 By: James E. Baggett

Subject: Tax Reform

Comment: One of my life-long dreams has been realized... the fall of Communist Russia; now that leaves one more dream of mine to be come about before I die. That's the 'fall' of the IRS. We must impliment a 'Fair Tax Code', and code where ALL Americans pay their fair share. The only way to that is to create a Consumption Tax on goods purchased. Do away with the Federal Income Tax...the most un-fair tax ever concieved! The Federal Income Tax kills individualism! Stiffles America's growth and is just a plain ole 'pain-in-the ass"! I've worked since I was 14 years old, served my country in combat and stood by and watched slackards work the system to recieve their Earned Income Credit. Getting a tax refund when they have not paid any taxes at all! It's sickening! Create the Consumption Tax and sit back and watch what happens! Make my last wish come true.
Thank You
Jim Baggett
American Citizen AND VOTER!