Posted: Apr 29, 2005 By: Linda Jolicoeur

Subject: Tax Reform

Comment: To The Committee:

The President has given you a difficult but not impossible task of reforming the American tax code. There is no disagreement on the fact that our system is broken, too complicated and costly to enforce. What is needed is an elimination of the current system and a totally new system that is fair, easy to understand by the taxpayer's, easy to administrate and less costly to the taxpayers.

I believe to attract jobs and be competitive in the new world economy we need a flat rate that cannot be tampered with and that everyone pays. The most logical idea I have heard presented is the national retail sales tax which would be paid at the time of consumption, no hidden taxes or fees to the buyers, eliminates tons of paperwork for businesses and individuals, and gets to the underground economy. This would also encourage savings and investment.

Low income individuals could be given a credit quarterly or at year's end but everyone would pay their fair share of the tax burdens, no tax shelter's for rich but by the very nature of the plan they would pay more because they spend more.

The best legacy we can leave our children and our grandchildren is a tax system more in keeping with the ideals of the founding fathers. If you have any questions on my comments my contact information is listed below.

Linda Jolicoeur, President
Target Equipment Leasing, Inc.
28535 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite 300
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
248.553.0508 fax