Posted: Apr 26, 2005 By: Kenneth E. Howe

Subject: Tax Reform Proposal

Comment: Dear Panelmembers;

I wish to tell you I fully support the FairTax Plan. This is also known as HR 25. I support it because it is simple: 133 pages compared to about nine million words of the current code.

I support it because it is fair. THe more you spend the higher the amount of taxes paid.

I support because when effective it will make the US a tax haven and businesses will come from all over the world to be headquartered here. and

I support HR 25 because there are no forms to be filled out by consumers. THe compliance cost totals about %500 milllion compared to the approximate $400 Billion of todays mangled mess.

There are at least a dozen other reasons I like it not the least of which is that it will be much more difficult to avoid and the rebate feature makes it so that the poor still pay no taxes on necessities.

Please endorse HR 25, the FairTax Plan. Thank you