Posted: Oct 18, 2005 By: Al Comstock

Subject: LOWER Class Disenfranchisement

Comment: I am 63 years old and I have observed the development and evolution of the Federal government through a number of decades. I have never witnessed such callous disregard and total abandonment, by our Federal Government, as has been perpetrated; yes perpetrated, by this Administration and the Republican controlled Legislature of Americans at the mid to lower econmic levels of our society. Each and every tax break, tax reform and econominc incentives have financially threatened and injured the less fortunate amongst us. I place the dwindling middle class in that category. There is only representation for the Insurance companies, Halburtons, and on and on. And now this; a tax code which again prejudices everyone in this society except the wealthiest amongst us. You should all be ashamed of what you havwe allowed to happen in this country under the present Administration and Republican majority. I can promise you this, for as much as you have done to our country I shall endeavor to instill the proper weight and amount of respect and regard you have justly earned in everyone I meet and whom so ever I can contact!
Elbert Comstock