Posted: Oct 12, 2005 By: Deborah Pearsall

Subject: Reform? You call that reform? The Fair Tax would be reform.

Comment: I wanted tax reform from this administration as much as I wanted cuts in spending. I guess we won't be getting either.

How can you possibly be so opposed to the Fair Tax? Nothing is perfect. The question is which does the least harm.

There will be cheating in any system. We have a huge black market in goods and services now. It's called cash business. In fact, now we have barter, working under the table, black market AND over deduction. Under the Fair Tax all the illicit profits from drug dealers on down would be taxed when they are spent. They are currently getting off tax free. That must be hundreds of billions of dollars alone. And with the Fair Tax the expenses to government and to the private sector of calcuating and collecting taxes will be minimized.

Sounds to me like you all have too much invested in the status quo to use your imagination and dare change. The Republicans are going to have one very angry base on their hands in the next few elections.