Posted: Oct 15, 2005 By: Mark A. Pearson, M/A.

Subject: Your trial ballons

Comment: Commissioners:
It seems unfathomable that you would actually publish the concepts for "reform" that are attributed to you! The mandate you were charged with was quite clear -- at least to those not mired in Washington-think. The answers to that mandate (tax increases on homeowners and working class Americans) do NOT address those mandates! In fact, the added complications your changes would generate would complete the trifecta of doing the opposite of what President Bush tasked you with proposing. The clear answer to the demands of your 3 part mandate is embodied in H.R. 25/S.25 The Fair Tax Act. While the Fair Tax (currently projected at 23%) is designed to be revenue neutral (as your mandate requires) as the explosive growth in the economy it would engender occurs, revenues will rise drastically. Even if the mechanisms for adjusting them occur (the rates would be steadily lowered) the amount of money collected to carry out the legitimate costs of government business will continue to rise, thus creating more pressure on legislators to spend even more. The vast job creation the Fair Tax will generate may force changes in imigration law to allow more immigration in the future, but then this is a country of immigrants.
Let's all pretend you were just kidding when you floated the trial balloons (Which, frankly have floated like a t**d in the bunch bowl) and now come out four square in favor of a real answer to the debacle that is the current UnAmerican System of taxation, the FAIR TAX (H.R./S. 25)
Thank you for your attention. I look forward to reading of your REAL proposals to fullfill the mandate of the President.


Mark A. Pearson, M.A.