Posted: Apr 26, 2005 By: Matt Lemmon

Subject: HELP.....

Comment: As a small business owner in a very competitive industry I have been forced to operate my business on my own in order to be competitive...and to still make enough money to survive. It takes all my time just to keep jobs coming in....and getting them done. The last thing I need to be spending time dealing with is the HUGE amount of paperwork that the Government has piled on us business owners over the years.... Due to the fact that I don't have the time...nor legal knowledge to do the work...I often just let it slide...Then get hit with the massive fines and penalties that they impose.... Please do something to simplify the system... I am personally in favor of the FairTax bill.. A national sales tax will make me pay more in Taxes...but I would welcome that in the fact that it gets the IRS and all the paperwork off my back.... and allows me to spend that time doing what do best...Earning money.... Thanks ...