Posted: Oct 12, 2005 By: Mike Simon

Subject: Fair Tax Support

Comment: Committee Members:

I wish to convey to you my support for the Consumption based Fair Tax. The Flat Tax does not increase our competitive edge in the global market place and does not encourage savings over spending.

Simply adding more rules and restrictions to the IRS code does nothing to encourage growth in our economy, discourages compliance with an already absurdly complex system, and will not encourage personal investment in savings accounts. I could go on, but why since the comments coming from your committee are clearly biased towards maintaining the political power engrained in manipulation of the IRS code.

Although the time it takes to fill out a flat tax return would be short, the Consumption tax would take zero time. Also, the abusive IRS would remain fully intact with the flat tax continuing to cost us ridiculous amounts of money to administer and audit.

With Federal Government spending blatantly out of control, what better way to reduce the Budget than eliminate the IRS? I do follow the campaigns, educate myself on my representative’s position on the issues, and vote in each and every election. I am available to provide my support of your support of the Fair Tax Bill.

The rebate provision of the Fair Tax Bill completely overcomes the negative influence on the poor. This is not a valid argument for not supporting this bill.

Pressure needs to be applied to the Tax Commission to overcome their ignorance of the positive effects for the poor and to overcome the influence of Washington Lobbyist.

Best regards,

Mike Simon