Posted: May 31, 2005 By: Christopher W. Foster

Subject: FairTax (HR 25)

Comment: As a voting citizen of this Country I have become very concerned about the paycheck that I recive. The amount of money that I pay in Taxes, since I am below the poverty line, is part of the reason that I will have a hard time both finishing college and putting food on the table.

I am majoring in Economics and I plan to go back for my Master in Economics immediately after finishing my bachleors degree. After Studying all of the prosposals I have decieded that The FairTax Act (H.R. 25 or S. 25) is the best option for our country moving forward. The current tax system naturally discourages personal savings as well as hurts the very people that our best for our economy. By eliminateing any tax on income and instead having a National Retail Sales Tax the economy will flourish, and gain a copetitive advantage against other countries that want people to invest money in them.

Remeber that the States that do not have income Taxes, but instead only sales taxes are the ones that have the best State economies. That is not a conincidence. Please choose The FairTax Act as your method of Tax reform.