Posted: May 22, 2005 By: Joseph Paral

Subject: Support the Fair Tax

Comment: I support the Fair Tax as outlined on and before the House as HR 25 and Senate as S 25. The Fair Tax is so simple and so easy to understand, predict, and plan for. It would save so much aggravation by getting rid of complicated tax returns. I feel like I'm playing the lottery each year, waiting until I file my return to see whether I owe money or will get a nice big check in return (which makes me mad at the same time, because that means the government has been witholding MY money from me w/o paying me interest for it!). For these reasons and many others, I prefer the Fair Tax to our current tax system and all other tax systems that have been proposed. I sincerely hope you will carefully consider and support a move to the Fair Tax.

Thank you,

Joseph Paral