Posted: Jun 07, 2005 By: Greg Wilkening

Subject: Tax Code Makeover

Comment: My daughter, a college graduate, must pay H&R Block every year to complete her very straightforward tax return because the rules are so arcane that only a professional can unravel them. What's so hard about a national sales tax, which goes up or down depending upon how much a consumer buys? Or why not a flat tax on everyone, that would eliminate loopholes which allow millionaires to avoid income taxes altogether. The corporate tax laws favor companies that move their "headquarters" to the Cayman Islands or Aruba. If they do business here, tax them here. The present laws are so complex that the corporations and the wealthy hire tax-evasion experts to find loopholes that are unavailable to the average middle-class taxpayer. Each year, Congress claims to simplify the tax code, but instead, even more volumes of Byzantine rules are added.