Posted: Oct 14, 2005 By: Jason M. McGuire

Subject: Sellouts

Comment: You Marxists (Communists) on this panel have sold out to the K Street lobbyists and need to pack up your bags and go home. Your recommendations are to raise taxes via class warfare. That is a tactic that the Democrats have used for years. I make $12.00 and hour and think that you are a bunch of Communists that are not worth the time I am using to send this email. The Fair Tax is the way of the future and the only reason you don't see this is because you are lining your pockets with money from special interests. Why don't you just pack it up and tell America that you are too incompetent to make intelligent recommendations to the President. I didn't spend 7 years in the Army defeating Communism just for you to bring the country I love closer to the goal that the left wants. Just pack it up you idiots. When you raise taxes on the rich and on businesses it gets passed onto every American.

Jason M. McGuire
Former SGT/USA