Posted: Sep 23, 2005 By: Tracy Puertas

Subject: Tax Reform

Comment: I will not unjustly crowd this comment box pretending to state things I know nothing of. I do know that since purchasing my small home 8 years ago, my tax levy has increased 63% - to a "well to do person" this may not be much, however to a "common folk" person, such as myself, this is astronomical. I now face the dilemma of whether to stay in the home I adore and the town I love or jump on the advantage of profit by selling. I know SOMETHING must be done. As voter, fellow american and home owner, I rely on my vote for all of you to DO THE RIGHT THING. God knows that this country has seen very turbulant times. Give back to the "common folk". Create a process that is not confusing, not a hardship and certainly fair TO ALL. Thank you.