Posted: Oct 12, 2005 By: Stan Ellzey

Subject: Tax Reform and Other

Comment: 1.) Reduce the Federal budget. No one in Washington can convince me it takes $2.5 Trillion dollars to operate the government. Stop funding projects just to get re-elected. You should make decisions based on what is best for the country, not on what will get you re-elected. This is probably one of the best reasons for term limits. Federal money should not be used to fund local projects. The citizens of the local area should fund these if they vote to fund a local project. Some examples would be local parks, so-called historic sites, etc… Get rid of the duplication of services among all different government agencies. For example, how much duplication of services is in the social entitlements portion of our Federal budget? How many different “Job Training” programs exist in all the agencies of the Federal Government? Why do American taxpayers have to pay for “free school breakfasts and lunches”? Those who are poor are already receiving welfare, food stamps, etc… which already provide for meals.
2.) Pass the National Consumer Fair Sales Tax, HR 25 & S 25. Our present tax system is a mess. Citizens are penalized for achieving and succeeding with a graduated tax. Punishing success is not what made this country great. In the present system there are too many loopholes. Many people pay no taxes or very little taxes. The Fair Tax will put more money back in the hands of consumers which always results in a growing economy. For further info, I suggest reviewing the Fair Tax on the internet at and reading the book by Senator John Linder and Neil Boortz.
3.) Abolish the Death or Inheritance tax. This is nothing more than Double Taxation. After the tax is abolished, do not raise taxes in other areas. (See Item 2 above). Reduce the Federal Budget accordingly by the amount reduced from the elimination of the Inheritance Tax.
4.) Allow a certain % of Social Security to be held in private individual accounts. This is our money. This money in private accounts could be passed on to family members.
5.) To all Republicans in Congress, stand up, take charge, show some leadership and backbone, and do the job you were elected to do. You don’t need any approval from the Democratic Party or Democratic congressman to do your job and do what is right. The Democrats have lost all touch with reality and more importantly the American people. Get the Federal judges selected not just on the Supreme Court, but all other Federal judge openings. The Democrats have lost elections and do not control Congress.