Posted: Oct 01, 2005 By: Bill Esbenshade

Subject: tax reform

Comment: Sirs,

As the Panel considers tax reform, I would ike to make a case for the Fair Tax, the National Retail sales Tax.

1. The idea for this tax is not new; it's about 10 years old. Thus, it is a well thought through plan. The website has much information on how the Fair Tax will impact various sectors of the economy.

2. The taxpayer sees how much they are paying to support the givernment. No longer are imbedded taxes hidden in a product's cost.

3. The monthly prebate greatly eases the tax burden on low income families.

4. Personal privacy is greatly restored by no longer filing a tax return with its intrusiveness into a taxpayer's personal finances.

5. American businesses become much more competitive with foreign competitors because of the reduced burden of tax code compliance.

Those reasons, and the fact of revenue neutrality and the economic expansion which will occur, make the Fair Tax the best choice for America (even Russia is transitioning from a flat income tax to a retail sales tax).


Bill Esbenshade