Posted: Apr 28, 2005 By: Aaron J. Schutte

Subject: A Fair Tax for America

Comment: I have witnessed first-hand the damage our current federal tax structure has inflicted upon the American economy. From punishing productivity to forcing business owners and individuals to grapple with a complex tax code requiring massive amounts of paperwork and professional interpretation, it has systematically driven businesses overseas and oppressed the American worker at home.

To ensure America’s future economic competitiveness and survival, we must replace our current system of taxation with the most economically productive method of extracting federal revenues from the nation.

There is only one form of taxation, embodied in one bill, which accomplishes this while satisfying the requirements set by the President, Democratic leadership, Republican leadership and the Founding Fathers: the FairTax Act of 2005. This bill, HR 25 in the House and S 25 in the Senate, has over $20 million dollars of research supporting it and an organization of more than 500,000 educated members across the United States backing it up coordinated by Recently, nearly 100 respected economists also endorsed the FairTax legislation ( stating, “The FairTax Plan eliminates the tax bias against work, saving, and investment, which would lead to higher rates of economic growth, faster growth in productivity, more jobs, lower interest rates, and a higher standard of living for the American people.”

The last time America rose up to discard an oppressive tax code, great things were set in motion for this nation. We have the opportunity to do so once again. I implore you to recommend the Fair Tax Act of 2005 to the President.

Thank you for carefully considering my suggestion for tax reform, as well as the 500,000 plus Americans who support the FairTax.

Respectfully submitted,

Aaron J. Schutte