Posted: Jun 07, 2005 By: Herb Moran

Subject: Essential Requirements

Comment: Any new tax proposal, in my view, should eliminate the ease with which special interest

groups can gain access to legislative exemptions for their clients. It should also eliminate

the onerous burden of compliance with an exceedingly complex code. It should also

eliminate the complex enforcement bureaucracy which hangs like the sword of

Damocles over the heads of even the most innocent of citizens and turns a voluntary

system of payment into a draconian system breeding cynicism about the effectiveness of

the democratic process.

Any new tax proposal should also shift the basis of taxation from income to consumption

thus providing; a broader tax base, a predictable stream of revenue, a progressivity based

on need, revenue neutrality and, an ease of compliance. It appears to me that the only

current proposal to clearly meet all of these objectives and provide the transparent

fairness needed in a progressive tax code is the Congressional legislation currently

pending as HR/S 25, The Fairtax proposal.