Posted: Apr 26, 2005 By: Robert Fast

Comment: The President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform
1440 New York Avenue NW, Suite 2100
Washington, DC 20220
Dear Tax Reform Panelists

I’m writing to urge you to support the Fair Tax Legislation (HR25, S25) and recommend this bill as critical to economic reform. This bill meets or exceeds all the requirements for a simple, fair and revenue-neutral alternative to our existing, burdensome and complicated tax system.

For too long our economy has suffered lack of proper growth and forced into stagnation by a tax system that discourages savings and incentives for success. Accepting any tax system that simply toys with the existing tax structure is unacceptable. Supporting any tax system that involves hidden and multiple layers of taxation is unacceptable. Supporting any tax system with a loose and mutable tax rate is also unacceptable. Today, a large number of our businesses are facing bankruptcies and forced to move their operations out of our country simply because of the way over taxation and over regulation has crippled their profits. If the United States is going to remain strong as an economic power it is important to support policy that supports our industrial base, not just the growth of tax attorneys and special interests.

The American people have done their job at electing representatives they believe will provide leadership to face the challenge of reforming "business as usual" in Washington. Any amount of partisanship and pettiness from officials to impede true tax reform should be met with strong and united resistance. If we are going to make our time worthwhile to reform taxation, then keeping what is Fair in Washington must also support what is Fair to the people of this country who are the backbone of our economy.

It is long overdue for our country to have a Fair Tax system, and I encourage you to support (HR25,S25) the Fair Tax Plan.

Nathan R. Fast

U.S. Citizen and Voter
