Posted: Apr 26, 2005 By: Matthew Ballard

Subject: Fair Tax

Comment: Of all the new tax proposals, I believe that the fair tax would be the best change this country could make. This proposal (HR25, S25) should be passed by both houses and signed by President Bush. The economic benefits it would bring to individuals, businesses and the government could not be surpassed by any other proposal. This is the simplest and most fair tax written.
First, it gives individuals freedom from government burden of stressing each year over whether they did everything correctly on their tax return, or will they be audited and possibly prosecuted. The current tax code can make a criminal of someone who otherwise would not be one.
Second, the collection of sales tax is already being done by the nations retailers. Therefore there is no additional burden upon them to collect the tax.
Third, everybody pays tax! (That's fair isn't it?) Those who would not normally even file a tax return will pay tax also. This brings the compliance rate up tremendously.
Fourth, the amount saved by the Federal Government from IRS enforcement and compliance costs helps reduce the Fedeal Budget Deficit( a burden on the economy). Let's make America stronger through individual freedom, a stronger dollar and a thriving economy!