Posted: Jun 07, 2005 By: Brenda Goodwin-Kuhn

Subject: Tax Reform

Comment: I would like to request that the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform support replacing the complex federal income tax with a sales tax.

It's time to get rid of the federal income tax. It is unworkable. Whenever Congress simplifies it, it gets even more complicated.

Almost half of all U.S. taxpayers pay someone to prepare their tax returns.

The tax code is widely regarded as unfair, complex, wasteful, confusing and costly. The Fair Tax bills now in Congress would replace the federal income tax with a sales tax.

We would have a tax that let's us keep our entire paychecks, closes all loopholes, frees individuals from ever filing tax returns again, abolishes the Internal Revenue Service and ends all audits of individual taxpayers, lets American products compete freely, and allows every family to buy the basic necessities tax free.

The Fair Tax bills do not eliminate corporate tax, but do get rid of payroll taxes, estate taxes and gift taxes. I think the above reasons are more than enough to support the bills now being considered.

The FairTax strategy is the only tax proposal on record that makes federal taxation of income unconstitutional by including the repeal of the 16TH Amendment.

Eight years of study by the country’s leading economists has shown that the FairTax:

Raises the same amount of money for the federal government as the current system.
Frees up $250 billion each year in compliance costs for individuals and business owners to invest, spend,and save.

Reduces production costs of U.S. products by an estimated 22 percent.

Makes U.S. goods more competitive at home and overseas.

Brings jobs home. Our current income tax exports our jobs, rather than our products, but the FairTax allows U.S. exports to sell overseas for prices 22 percent lower, on average, than they do now with similar profit margins. Lower prices sharply increase demand for U.S. exports, thereby increasing job creation in our country’s manufacturing sectors.

Allows all of us to keep 100 percent of your paychecks, pension, and Social Security check – allowing families to save more for home ownership, education, and retirement.

Benefits churches and schools by reducing payroll taxes and taking advantage of lower-cost goods and services.

Collects taxes on the over $1 trillion dollars in illegal economic activities of non-filing criminals, drug dealers, and others.

Please advise President Bush that the NRST
or Fair Tax is what the majority of US citizens is requesting.

Thank you,
Brenda Goodwin-Kuhn
410 Oriole Lane
Wisconsin Rapids, WI