Posted: Jun 02, 2005 By: Bruce Quackenbush

Subject: Tax reform

Comment: There is only one tax reform proposal that makes sense and that is the Fair Tax proposal.

I support it for the following reasons:

•Under the Fair Tax proposal our private financial information will once again become private (no IRS nosing around in our personal business) as it was intended to be when the 4th Amendment was added to the Constitution.
•It is well known that Congress uses the tax code to attempt to micromanage the economy and to grant political favors. It is not possible for a group of men and women to successfully manage an economy, as has been well evidenced by Hayek and others. We hear a lot about “fairness” in the way we are taxed, but it is hardly fair to tax some individuals and businesses more than others in the process of dispensing political favoritism.
•Taxing a person’s income is forcibly taking the fruits of their labors, which is tantamount to slavery, and is therefore immoral. The Fair Tax would allow individuals to have some control over how much they pay in taxes by saving more, or less, or by making do with used products. In the meantime the economy would receive massive stimulus and taxes paid to the government, collectively, would likely increase.
•Large corporations would have far less incentive to move operations offshore which would result in keeping more jobs here.