Posted: Oct 16, 2005 By: Claire Monti

Subject: Taxing employee Health Benefits

Comment: Re. taxing Employee health benefits. What a disaster that would be! Our tax burden is already phenomenal. How can we afford to live when we are no longer employed if we cannot save money while we are employed. If we must pay additional taxes, this reduces the amount we can save. It is bad enough to pay taxes on the small interest our savings generate now the government wants to tax employer benefits. Our employer is certainly not going to raise our salaries to help us pay such a tax. Retirement is not always an option. Sometimes it is forced on us. When retirement is forced on us, we will not be able to afford health insurance.
The U.S. seems to be able to help everyone else in the world but cannot afford to help the middle income taxpayers. What a shame to leave us destitue in our old age!