Posted: May 30, 2005 By: Felix Bearden

Subject: National Retail Sales Tax (

Comment: When considered as a whole, the National Retail Sales Tax has the most advantages as a replacement tax system. The limited time allowed to the presenters at the hearings and the limitations placed on this committee will not allow each member to study and appreciate the effort John Linder et al have put into this proposal. I can remember discussions reaching back over 25 years refining this proposal.

The results of these discussions and studies are pretty well covered in the website

The biggest selling point for the NRST is that it is "the right thing to do" for all taxpayers. Rich, Poor, Republican, Democrat, liberal, and conservative.

Its worst feature is that it cannot be represented in sound-bites. You must understand the complete proposal to really understand its benefits.

It is my sincere hope that members of this committee will have time to study and understand the complete proposal in the time alloted. I also hope that you give members that have worked so hard an opportunity to answer any deficiencies you may find in the plan.

As a citizen, on the periphy of the development of the NRST rather than one intimately associated with any organization, I would be happy to offer my opinions and answer any questions you may have from a senior citizen.

Felix Bearden
770 923 4824