Posted: Apr 26, 2005 By: Wesley Chotkowski

Subject: tax reform suggestions

Comment: To the Tax Reform Panel,
I would suggest that the Panel consider the following:
1) Make all changes applicable to everyone i.e. a flat tax of 15% would apply to all incomes – no one would have a special interest
2) Tax benefits particularly in the Public Sector – current system a disincentive for private sector and contributes to increased health costs and need for more taxpayer money for Medicare and Medicaid – contribute these revenues to supporting these programs
3) Reduce social security payments to those receiving Public Sector pensions
4) Establish public sector and private sector pension system on an even footing i.e. public sector employees could pool their retirement contributions, but would draw according to what is in the pool – government liability could be ended and tax revenues could be used elsewhere rather than guaranteeing Public sector employee retirement

Thank you for your consideration, Wesley Chotkowski