Posted: Oct 12, 2005 By: David Zickefoose

Subject: Tax Reform

Comment: It boggles the mind that the panel can not seem to function on behalf of the people. Why must we continue to support the economic ideology of Marx and Engles in establishing a method of financing government? No one in their right mind believes it requires 2.6 Trillion Dollars to run the federal government. If you were to begin counting from one to one trillion, counted 24 hours per day, it would take you 11,500 years to get it done. Between City, County, State, and Federal government you consume 40% of our gross national procuct. Give us a fair tax. Eliminate all of this crap. Cut government spending about 50% and eliminate unnecessary programs. Cut the size of government by 50%.

What ever happened to Republican Conservatism? We own the Presidency, the House, and the Senate. If you don't get it together soon I, for one, will not be voting Republican in the future.