Posted: Jun 06, 2005 By: Stephen Ambrose

Subject: Fairtax vs. Vested Interest


Dear Panel,
Through a careful review of these proceedings as covered by the news media and CSPAN, it has become patently obvious that the only individuals or groups which are opposing the FairTax proposal are those who enjoy a multitude of unfair advantages afforded them by the current system.
Please do not continue to allow the vested interests of those who put their own greed and thirst for power ahead of their fellows and their country to dictate our tax code. The complexity of the current system is nothing more than the refuse accumulated from years of catering to these manipulative and self-serving interests.
We have a long awaited chance to correct these abuses through the adoption of the FairTax Bill. Please do not sell out yourselves, your country or your constituents by wasting this opportunity for real change and economic expansion. Handing us another sham like the so called “reforms” recently applied to prescription drug “benefits” will not only betray the trust which has been invested in you, it will condemn this country to economic and social collapse.
The growing common credulity of this nation is not an asset to you. Those who take advantage of it are always ultimately haunted by their abuses. Please simply do your jobs this time and finally become the real public servants and heroes you were elected to be. You can be the first to free our nation from the longstanding mantle of manipulative oppression and abuse that your predecessors allowed or even sponsored.
Your actions in this regard will not go un-noticed. Your future, your nation’s future depends on what you do right here and now. Abolish the IRS and its massive costs in upkeep, abuse and national moral and prosperity. Adopt the FairTax proposal and once again allow America the prosperity and freedom its Founders sought to guarantee us in the Constitution. Simply ask yourselves, “What tax measures would our nation’s Founding Fathers approve of?”, and please, please just get it right this time! It’s already beautifully laid out for you in the FairTax Bill.


Stephen D. Ambrose