Posted: Oct 11, 2005 By: Harvey Rogers

Subject: HR25

Comment: Thank you for your service on this crucial undertaking. I stumbled upon this site today and was gratified to see the high level of interest. I was also struck by the intensity and consistency of the outrage expressed for the current tax system. The one theme that came through again and again was the unfair and actually counterproductive manner that the system punishes achievement.

I recently read the Linder/Boortz book on the fair tax proposal (HR25). The book appeared to offer a very promising way of gathering revenue needed to fund government programs, while not discouraging saving, investing, or entrepreneurial spirit. Ihad some questions about the transition to the fair tax system, so I read the text of HR25 and was pleased to see that my concerns were addressed. Although there may be some trepidation among some people to make so drastic a change, I feel certain that it would ultimately be embraced by all as being fairer and much more productive for all Americans.

I urge the panel to give HR25 full and fair consideration. I hope that someday AMT, estate tax, and tens of thousands of pages of tax code will be distant, dreaded memory.