Posted: Oct 14, 2005 By: M. L. O'Grady

Subject: Tax Reform

Comment: Tax Reform Commission Members:

If I understand correctly, one of the items you are considering for tax reform is to eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax. One of your ideas to compensate for the lost revenue is to change the home mortgage deduction whereby anyone with a loan greater that $350,000 would not be able to deduct all of the interest on the loan.

Not to be rude, but this is government at its worst (or best – depending on your definition). All you are doing is making the tax code more complicated, again, and quite possibly pushing another tax increase on the American people. So often when “reforms” are implemented they end up costing us more. Just for the record, I do not have a house with a loan that is greater than $350,000. I am just tired of the politics, the income redistribution, soak the rich, etc… that is the current status quo of our tax code.

If you want to have meaningful tax reform you must consider HR 25 “The Fair Tax Act of 2005” as it is written, not as you would prefer it to be written. This eliminates income redistribution, treats everyone equally in the eyes of the law, or in this case the tax code, makes enforcement easy, and makes it nearly impossible to cheat on paying taxes.

This comment is from a citizen who is tired of the current system, which will eventually destroy the free market in this country.


Michael L. O’Grady
Wichita Kansas