Posted: Oct 15, 2005 By: Jim Harper

Subject: Proposeed Panel Recommendations

Comment: I realize tax reform is difficult. You may not have had enough time. But to totally ignore Pres. Bush's mandate brings shame to the political process, and further distances the American people from those who purport to lead them.
You did NOT simplify the tax code.
Your suggestions will NOT stimulate the economy.
Your suggestions will NOT encourage individual investment, savings or home ownership.
I urge you to tell President Bush that you need more time, and to not present him with your current suggestions, which are counter-productive to all that he asked for. Why you reject the Fair Tax Plan ( HR 25 and S 25 ) when it provides you with what the President asked for I do not understand. That plan has been researched by experts over the past three years, yet you offer no valid reason as to why you think it won't work. Ask the President for more time so you can research it thoroughly. If it comes up wanting, at least consider other alternatives to the current tax code on which Americans spend 6 billion hours a year on preparation. Start from scratch and do what's fair to EVERYBODY, not just special interest groups. Thank you for listening.
Jim Harper
1640 Maple Ave. #506
Evanston, IL 60201