Posted: Jun 05, 2005 By: Jack Cinque

Subject: Tax Reform Needed

Comment: I am a 75 year old married retiree whose income sources are: Social Security, IRA's, savings and investments. Yet I need to employ a CPA because the complex and convoluted 60,000 page Code is impossible to follow and I wish to comply accuratly with the law. This year my return was over 100 pages long comprised of approx. 30 different forms and cost me over $2500 in addition to the countless hours I spent gathering and organizing the neccesary documents and information. It's a wonder that tax filing and compliance costs only $250 million a year.
I am not seeking to reduce my taxes - I believe EVERYONE should pay their correct share and that includes me. But the current code is riddled with loopholes and devices to avoid doing that. Tax reduction can only be achieved by first reducing Federal spending.
The code has been amended, revised,and "simplified" numerous times resulting in the mess we now have. We need to discard, eliminate the current code and system and start afresh. I firmly believe that HR25/S25 will do that and is the right answer. Will you please join me and support passage of this much needed legislation. Thank you for your consideration.