Posted: Oct 12, 2005 By: Charles Kotkin

Subject: Tax Reform

Comment: Committee members. I just read an alarming suggestion that the committee has made to the President concerning doing away with the tax deductions that can now be written off for interest on home mortgages. You gotta be kidding. What needs to be done is to turn the pyramid over so the tip is south and the base is north. Shake that pyramid so that all corporations pay taxes without exception. The middle class is the scapegoat and your recommendations along with the President's failed economic policies are going to effectively disappear the middle class. The middle class does all of the buying. If you take away that particular deduction, and the deduction on second mortgages, the middle class will stop buying cars, etc. First time home buyers will give up their plans to buy a home; their deduction motivation will have disappeared. It sounds like your commmittee needs some middle class and poor people on it so that you can have a reality check. Don't recommend anything that will weaken the middle class. The top 1 percent is so wealthy, and the corporations are so wealthy that it is a sin to further tax the middle class. It is un-Christian, un-Jewish, un-Muslim-- and particularly un-American. The purpose of the government, and therefore any committees, is to look out for the greater good of the majority of the population. Screwing over the middle class is the opposite of that. Go back to the drawing board and come up with better suggestions. Talk to some of your middle class or poor friends if you need a more realistic perception; if you have any. Bad ideas so far. The idea of a flat tax and of doing away completely with federal income tax is a fantastic idea. Suggest doing that instead of punishing the middle class. The middle class is the backbone of this country. You break the backbone of this country and the country will become a third world country.