Posted: Apr 26, 2005 By: Micah Martello

Subject: Request for Comments #2 ( April 5, 2005 - April 29, 2005 )

Comment: Comments attached as requested.

Micah Martello
104 Markham Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Response to Request for Comments # 2 by the Federal Tax Reform Panel

Individual submission

Micah Martello
104 Markham Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

April 26, 2005

Dear Chairman Mack and Tax Reform Panel members,

Rather than waste your valuable time, I would like to get to the point. The bill
HR-25 (The Fair Tax) meets the criteria for tax reform set forth by the President. Republican and Democrat leaders alike have both said that a new tax system should be simple, fair, pro growth, revenue neutral and progressive. The Fair Tax meets all this criteria like no other proposal.

The most important aspect of the Fair Tax is that is puts America on a level playing field in a global marketplace. The Fair Tax will bring jobs home and make “Made in the USA” mean something again. In 2007 Communist China will begin selling automobiles in the United States for $6995. American companies are already crippled by our tax system and cannot compete with the myriad of embedded taxes on US products. This is only the beginning of a trend that will eventually break this country apart if you do not act now to get rid of income tax and replace it with the Fair Tax.

It was a mistake for us to allow for an income tax in the first place. Our founding fathers would have never allowed it. In fact they warned against the dangers of an income tax. It seems they were right. Otherwise you would not be a part of such an important panel to discuss getting rid of an obviously broken system.

Thank you,

Micah Martello