Posted: Apr 26, 2005 By: Susan Verdecchia

Subject: Our Nation Needs the Fair Tax Now

Comment: After two years of studying options for overhauling our tax code,I have come to the same conclusion that many thoughtful people have; there is no way to fix this broken mess. The committee has an opportunity to recommend to the President a plan that will boost our economy, encourage savings and productivity, glean millions from those that currently drain our system without supporting it, if they will only ignore political pressures and special interests.

The only consideration this committee should have is the best interests of the hard working American people. We have been burdened far too long with a tax code that no one understands and costs far too much in man hours, dollars and infrastructure for compliance alone, let alone enforcement. Other options such as a VAT and the Flat Tax do nothing to encourage a productive economy. Unburden small business and all employers so that our Country can be the center of technology and industry once more, bringing home the jobs that have been sent overseas due to tax considerations, and enticing foreign investors to our shores.

The Fair Tax proposal ensures the survival of Social Security and Medicare without increasing the burden on our childrens' futures, provides a prebate to all Americans regardless of income, thereby eliminating the tax burden on the poorest of our citizens and truly assisting the hard working middle class.

Please, consider all the options, but in doing so, forget politics for once. Look at only the facts and keep the people in mind. If you do, I'm certain you, too, will agree that the Fair Tax is by far the most comprehensive and, yes, Fair, tax plan.