Posted: Oct 29, 2005 By: Brian Dufala

Subject: Support The Fair Tax

Comment: It is unfortunate that the panel has only given cursory acknowledgement to the “Fair Tax.” We have come to a point in the road where it is not enough to merely tweak a broken system. The income tax, including all of its vices (i.e. IRS, Income Redistribution, etc.), needs to be repealed. The fact is that you have been presented an opportunity to change our system for the better. When I say change, I do not merely mean to make small adjustments to make it look like your panel was even worth the mandate you were given. Your recommendations do not even come close.

Again, the system is broken. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, there is a growing effort to point that out to you. It is no longer a matter of making small changes. It is time to throw the old system out and replace it with a new one. The new system should be fair to “all” citizens. We should all pay our fair share. Your panel, if it is to be recognized as even useful, should recommend the “The Fair Tax Act of 2005.”