Posted: Jun 06, 2005 By: Leonard Levine

Subject: Whatever you do, eliminate current

Comment: I agree with other comments. Taxation is to provide funding for our common defense and minimal intrusion into the life and economy of the nation. "For the common good" is clearly defined as minimal taxation. The imposition of a "fair tax" should include a provision of reduction of government programs significantly over a set period of time, say ten years. A clear set of priorities that the federal government ought to address should also be limited in scope and become an amendment to the constitution.

Panel, be bold. Be courageous. Our government is strangling us. We are not free. We are beset by waste and mismanagement by our "elected" leaders. Stop the pork. Try to change your inbred way of thinking to be reelected and hold power and become "statesmen/women". I pray for God to impart wisdom and courage to each of you. For those staff who are sifting through all this, you control the destiny of our nation as you apply your own spin based on your own personal values. Set ambition aside. Don't be lazy. You hold our future. Take this opening to set us "back to the future". Back to the genius of our founding fathers and apply it more fairly and clearly for the "common good". Our tax system today is for the "powerful" and "greedy".

So, in summary, make it simple, fair and understandable while setting the stage to major overhaul of our federal programs to eliminate all but a defined set of programs within the scope of a define set of criteria.

May God bless your honest efforts and make straight you paths.

Thank you for your hard work on behalf of me and my family.